welcomes article contributions in shape of opinion pieces, analytical articles, fact checking articles, curated news reports, or sociopolitical humor or satire. We accept contributions through our community driven chapter.
Please note that we are no longer accepting contributions through email.
You need to register with and submit your article for review.
Your articles must meet these basic criteria in order to get published on the main website.
The final decision regarding publication of the article on the main website or on the community driven chapter rests with our editorial team.
The copyright over the published content will be co-owned by the respective contributor and, which will also have the additional right to use the content for promotion.
At this point of time, is not in a position to pay you for your contributions. This space will be updated if there are any changes in the policies.
Please note that you must have basic familiarity with WordPress publishing in order to submit your articles.
If you are interested to write / contribute content to this website, please contact us by filling up the below form & selecting your preferred area of interest. We will get back to you by email to explore your sample/previous work.